Strategies for Packing Your Bedroom Quickly When You’re Moving

Moving & Relocation Resources

Packing quickly is a skill that is usually mastered through repeated experiences, but if you’ve never had to pack quickly before, there are some strategies available to help you through this race against time.

Purge First

Before you begin packing, it is always beneficial to purge your possessions of useless clutter. This will help to reduce the items that need to be packed. Here’s a guide to getting rid of stuff before you move.

Sort Stuff By Priority

Pack your bedroom items based on how often you need them. Cheap Movers Philadelphia ( says seasonal clothes, shoes, and decorative keepsakes should be packed first. These are items that you won’t need anytime soon, so they will be a safe choice for your first set of boxes.

Items that you use every day or that you need on a weekly basis should be packed last. Be sure to mark each box with what it contains so that if you need a specific item before the move, you can find it easily without disturbing all of the previously packed boxes. It is also helpful to pack and set aside an essentials box for your first few nights in your new home.

Utilize The Entire Box

Too often we pack our moving boxes partially full. Not only does this cause us to need more boxes but it can also cause shifting while the boxes are being handled. Shifting items in a contained space is how objects become shattered, damaged, or broken.

To properly utilize the space in your boxes, cover a layer of solid possessions with a few articles of clothing. These articles of clothing will not only fill the space to keep your items from shifting and tumbling around, but they will also act as a layer of cushioning. The more clothes you stuff into random boxes, the fewer clothes you will have to pack later.

Trash Bags Are Your Best Friends

For a quick packing session, trash bags are a miracle. Not only can they expand to fit large amounts of items but they are also fairly cheap and easy to move. While trash bags are rather durable, you should still be cautious not to overload them, or they will rip open and spill all of your items making a mess.  Trash bags are the perfect quick-pack fix because you don’t have to be discriminate when packing them. Simply toss in any items you wish without stacking, folding, or wedging. They can also be carried easily with their built-in handles.

Pack Your Room By Sections

If you’ve been given very little time to pack and no time to plan, a simple packing strategy is the best way to go. The most straightforward packing strategy is to pack your bedroom by sections. Mentally divide your bedroom into sections and then start packing.  Do your best to pack an entire section of your bedroom into one bag or one box if you can. Properly label the box or the bag then set it aside.

Utilizing this strategy could find your entire bedroom packed within a few hours.  Another strategy to consider when packing your boxes is to pack the heavy items in smaller boxes and save the lighter items for, the larger boxes, this ensures that you will be able to get a better grip on heavier boxes. Larger boxes that are packed with heavier items are more likely to be ungainly with the combined weight and size challenges.


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